About John

John Mireles' foray into commercial and editorial photography began as an outgrowth of his participation in the sport of rock climbing. His first published photos, of urban rock climbers struggling to train far from natural rock, appeared in Rock and Ice Magazine in 1990. Since then, his viewpoint has widened to include the diverse people, places and experiences that collectively give rise to Americana. Along the way, he's worked with clients ranging from Asics, DuPont, Dell, Qualcomm, Sempra, Intuit, Donjoy, Zappos and many others. His work has been selected to appear in juried competitions such as the Communication Arts Photo Annual, The ADDYs and the Art of Photography show. 

John splits his time between San Francisco and San Diego. When he's not on assignment, he can often be found driving his road-worn RV across the country in search of places and people to photograph. 

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